Meditation 11: Opening to Uncertainty
When we let go of the need to be in control, the need to be certain, we open to life as it is.
Meditation 11: Opening to Uncertainty
Taking your seat
Take your seat in recognition of the miracle of being here, the miracle of human experience just unfolding, presenting itself to consciousness moment by moment.
Take your seat in the theater of this moment; in this contact with life's immediacy; and the heaviness of body sitting; and the aliveness of breath breathing; in the miracle of awareness' awakeness.
So gather your attention. Take your seat. Enter into presence right here.
Entering into presence and uncertainty
Here in the breathing. Here in the sitting. Here in this changing moment.
We speak about the breath as if it's a thing. But the breath is uncertain, no two breaths are the same. Who knows how many more breaths there’ll be? Yet right here, an in-breath; right here, an out-breath.
The sweet sound of birdsong from birds that will be dead tomorrow. A life-nourishing touch of breath felt in your lungs. Breath that might not come tomorrow.
To relinquish control, to relinquish certainties is to enter more and more fully, more and more freely, into being right here.
May we dare to not know.
May we dare to give up our control, our seeming certainties.
Might we be thus enlightened and enlivened by each moment of hereness.