Course Introduction
Effortless mindfulness is a dimension of consciousness that is already innate within us. So how do we access it? We'll begin this journey by taking a step back from the cloud of our contracted, chattering mind, so that we can start to shift into a place that is aware, connected, and open-hearted.
This week, we'll dive into the foundations of effortless mindfulness, see how it differs from other mindfulness practices, and familiarize ourselves with the basics.
"This is the ability to shift our consciousness in the midst of our day from contraction to effortless awareness."
Course Schedule
Each unit will offer roughly one hour of material to work with. There will also be suggested take-home practices, including guided audio meditations, for you to explore throughout the week ahead.
Unit 1 | Introduction to Effortless Mindfulness
Learn about effortless mindfulness and how it differs from basic mindfulness
Unit 2 | Awareness of Awareness
Practice identifying awareness and other faculties of mind
Unit 3 | Awareness Is Intelligent
Train in being aware from a sense of spaciousness and well-being
Unit 4 | Effortless Mindfulness Embodied
Feel fully embodied and present in a state of effortless mindfulness
Unit 5 | The Science of Effortless Mindfulness
Learn about concepts such as the default mode network and flow states that can inform our practice
Unit 6 | Effortless Heart Mindfulness
Cultivate compassion that arises naturally from a ground of open-hearted awareness.