Course Features
Course Features
That's it for the free preview, enroll today to begin exploring The Dharma of Relationships on April 10th.
6 hours of video teachings
Enjoy a well-crafted curriculum with presentations, meditation, self inquiry, and daily life tasks—all designed to bring the paramis into your relationships.
Your life is the teacher
With guidance, we can see opportunities for growth and sincere practice right where we are. We don't need an ideal lifestyle to make progress. We work with what arises.
Experience greater ease in relationships
When we bring awareness and kindness to unconscious patterns of relating, we often find that a shift takes place...
Integrate your practice and your life
The Buddha said that community was the whole of the holy life. But sometimes we draw artificial lines around our practice: on retreat/off retreat; on the cushion/off the cushion. What happens when we remove these binaries?
Explore your relationship to life
We cannot always change our circumstances or the people around us, but we can change how we relate to life. As we bring the paramis into our lives, we cling less and therefore begin to suffer less...
Timeless methods
Our method is to bring mindful curiosity to our experience, and to creatively unbind ourselves from well-worn habit patterns. This is the wisdom of the Thai Forest Tradition, Burmese vipassanā, and Korean Sŏn Buddhism that we learn from Laura and Martine.