Introduction: The Foundations of a Secure Base
What are the necessary components of establishing a secure psychological base, and why is it important to develop one in the first place? To kick off the course, Josh introduces us to the building blocks we need in order to feel safe in the world, thrive in relationships, and embrace challenges and opportunities.
Unit 1: The Foundations of a Secure Base
Welcome to Feeling Secure in an Unstable World. In class this week, we'll begin to address underlying causes of anxiety from both an early Buddhist and contemporary psychological perspective, and begin to unpack the importance of establishing a secure psychological base.
At the end of the lesson, Josh guides us through a mindfulness meditation, during which we'll attempt to create a safe container for our emotional signals. By focusing on the feeling of having nothing to do, no place to go, and no one to impress, the mind will gradually start to unwind and soften, giving way to a sense of spacious awareness.