Photo Reel: Inside the Monastery

The monastery in Ura, Dr. Karma Phuntsho's hometown

The monastery in Ura, Dr. Karma Phuntsho's hometown

Photograph by Jeremy Simmons.

Dr. Karma offers a dharma talk by the light of a butter lamp at his home monastery in Ura

Dr. Karma offers a dharma talk by the light of a butter lamp at his home monastery in Ura

Photograph by Jeremy Simmons.

Dr. Karma presents to the tour group in his home monastery

Dr. Karma presents to the tour group in his home monastery

Photograph by Jeremy Simmons.

Matthieu Ricard shows his widely acclaimed photographs at Lhodrak Kharchu Monastery in Bumthang Valley, Bhutan

Matthieu Ricard shows his widely acclaimed photographs at Lhodrak Kharchu Monastery in Bumthang Valley, Bhutan

Photograph by Jeremy Simmons.

Lhodrak Kharchu monks performing a ceremony

Photograph by Jeremy Simmons.

Monks lighting ceremonial butter lamps at Lhodrak Kharchu

Photograph by Jeremy Simmons.

Butter lamps

Photograph by Paula Girshman.

Peeking into Lhodrak Kharchu Monastery

Peeking into Lhodrak Kharchu Monastery

Photograph by Paula Girshman.

Butter lamps at Lhodrak Kharchu

Butter lamps at Lhodrak Kharchu

Photograph by Paula Girshman.

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